First prototype: Please Work Module (PWM 0.1)
This project focuses on designing PCB boards that integrate essential microcontrollers, sensors, and peripherals necessary for autonomous robotic and UAV applications. The goal is to explore effective methods for controlling autonomous systems used in diverse research applications. Despite the existence of open-source platforms, accessibility is often hindered by high costs. Therefore, this project aims to develop a cost-effective module that can serve as a foundational platform for future projects. The primary advantage of developing an in-house controller solution is to enhance the research group's expertise and confidence in working with embedded systems, firmware, and high-level software solutions.
Embedded system design, Data communication , PCB design, Open source firmware integration (PX4), MATLAB and Simulink.
1x MSc (Eng), 1x Journal/Conference paper in a leading publication.
Daniel Fraser
Arnold Pretorius, Natasha Botha, James Hepworth